coastal erosion, flash flooding, sand dune protection, rock bags, gabion basket, reno mattress, scour protection, silt control, retaining wall, environmental protection, rock bag installation
coastal erosion, sand dune protection, rock bags, gabion basket, reno mattress, scour protection, silt control, retaining wall, environmental protection

What Are Rock Bag Filter Units

Rock Bags Filter Units are fast becoming the preferred rock armouring system of choice for engineers, project designers and environmental consultants.

Being versatile and practical, Rock Bag Filter Units are commonly used for erosion control and scour protection in a variety of applications including riverbank stabilization, shoreline protection, sand nourishment, coastal protection and wave energy absorption.

Further more, Rock Bag Filter Units provide unparalleled protection of man-made infrastructure including sea walls, bridges, ports, wharfs, groynes, pylons, undersea cables, mining operations, railway lines, dam spillways among other applications involving property and community safety.

Commonly infrastructure assets are under constant attack from tidal flows, severe storm events, flash flooding in creeks and rivers plus impacts from changing climates and volatile weather patterns.

Fortunately Rock Bag Filter Units are cost-effective and rapidly deployed, even in challenging sites, allowing small teams of contractors to precisely install vast amounts of rock armouring efficiently in comparison to concrete systems, gabions, blocks, riprap etc.

On large scale projects the addition of more man power and machinery is minimal with hundreds of rock bags capable of being filled and placed every single day.

The simple yet effective concept provides maximum erosion and scour protection with limited labour, machinery and time.

“Rock bag Filter Units can be filled on site or prefilled & delivered to site for Rapid Installation”


We collaborate with clients around the world for design, supply and deployment success !

Great Ocean

Great Oceans Road – In order to protect a large beach front retaining wall from potential collapse, rock bags were deployed as an armouring system to dissipate wave energy and reduce scouring. Storm surge and inclement weather had compromised the retaining wall which was a safety concern with local council. Rock bags were chosen for their ability to be filled and craned into position protecting the wall and local community.

Cape Conran

Along the magnificent far eastern coastline of Victoria lies the beautiful township of Cape Conran. Contractors selected Rock Bags to create an innovative wave barrier in conjunction with coffer dam to protect an area from tides and wave action while dismantled and rebuilding a jetty. Rock bags were prefilled and transported to site for rapid deployment and craned directly onto the sea floor to create the wall structure.

coastal erosion, flash flooding, sand dune protection, rock bags, gabion basket, reno mattress, scour protection, silt control, retaining wall, environmental protection, rock bag installation


After the devastating floods in 2022, the Bostock Water Reservoir in regional Victoria suffered a major failure on the spillway. Though collaboration with engineers and Barwon Water Authority a plan was executed to repair the massive hole that formed when flood waters scoured underneath the concrete plates. Rock Bags along with concrete were used to fill and stabilise the structure.

Noosa Shire

Noosa Shire Council implements rock bags to protect a collapsing creek bank and exposed water pipe after flood waters severely damaged the area. The rock bags were filled at a local quarry, transported to site and craned into position with ease and efficiency. The council successfully mitigated any further damage from future floods by armouring the creek bank and protecting the water pipe from costly repair or replacement.

Now Available In “HDPE” Fibre Offering The Environment 90% Less Microplastic Release & Designers Longest Life Cycle Rock Bag of 50+ Years UV Protection